2020. A midway point reflection of gratitude.

When we sat down to strategize a plan for 2020, I seem to vaguely recall our conversation around planning for an economic shutdown stemming from a global pandemic crisis.


Oh right, I made that up for a humous segue to start this post.

But truthfully, I have been curious for the past 3 years or so what the next big calamity would be. It has to be coming, right?

Remarkably, here I am, sitting in the Rhino Studios (yes, the same building we decadently kicked off last fall with 300+ friends), I’m not wearing a mask, but I am keeping my distance from my team.

Holy hell is this real? I mean, we started this company ten years ago and we had literally no idea how to do much of any of this.

We made shirts (and sold them) boldly proclaiming that we were “MAKING THIS UP AS I GO”.

This still rings true.

It feels like the table has been reset, and we’re coalescing as a team to see how we are going to change and adapt. I don’t want to be that old crusty media company that is pissed off about technological change. We dealt with that when we were coming up and it was ugly. I get it though. Older guys who worked for years to gain a ‘position’, only to see the technology explode out from under their feet and their cynicism about these technologies (and their egos) undermined their ability to see clearly.

I can’t believe we’re still kicking ass at ten years in. I love our team, and I love our clients.

We’ve got so much goodness in front of us, and so you do.

Much love to you all!



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What a story needs to be successful.